Le Grand Bleu
Ready to dive deeply into the waters of true love?
The tide has risen and it wants to sweep you off your feet.
Amourous headhunting
What is this
project about!
Of all the feelings one could possibly experience in a lifetime, most would agree that nothing trumps the feeling of being in love.
When we are swimming in the enchanting depths of romantic love, all our senses are fired up, and life feels light and wonderful. Love energises, motivates and thrills us. It gives us hope and an inner knowing that all is good in our worlds.
Do you dream of sharing your life with someone amazing, who electrifies and inspires you? Do you long to find him? Your soulmate and fellow adventurer in all matter of undertakings, from diving in deep blue oceans to the realm of innovation and change making?
Then we encourage you to read on as we might have an intervention that could be of interest to you…

"There is more to be gained from going for something than there is to be lost when failing."

Finding genuine love
Le Grand Bleu
Le Grand Bleu is the name of the latest campaign and highly discrete headhunting initiative undertaken by Ivy Relations to find true love on behalf of a special client.
The project is genuine, and a real-life mission with an audacious objective: to bring together two positive, eternally curious and down-to-earth people, who share the same core values in the hope that they will find an authentic connection and build an impactful and superb life together.
Is it one of your greatest desires to find your life partner and the keeper of the keys to your heart’s treasure? Do you yearn to create a meaningful and fun relationship with someone who absolutely rocks your world? To find a connection brimming with passion, excitement and shared values?
Then our search might be something for you.
Some people believe that finding love should be the outcome of fate. Others believe that the more you ‘put yourself out there’ the greater the statistical chance of meeting someone. But what we know for sure is that meeting high quality, like-minded people with similar values and interests who are oriented toward long term commitment or sharing a life, is not easy to attain.
Le Grand Bleu is an invitation to a new possibility- a more pro-active, intentional approach sprinkled with a dash of serendipity.
With this in mind, our dynamic and forward-thinking client has placed his trust in us with his unique mandate: an international, anonymous and highly specialised search to help him find his dream woman and the captainess of his heart with whom he hopes to explore all frontiers of love, life and beyond.
Now read on, as we have started up the engines for this mission. The countdown has begun. We will explore every secret corner, every bit of uncharted territory to find the Amelia Earhart of our VIP client’s dreams!
"With a smile that glow'd Celestial rosy red, love's proper hue."

We facilitate love and happiness
Actually, what is match making?
According to the Oxford dictionary, matchmaking is “the activity of trying to arrange marriages or romantic relationships between other people”. A matchmaker is defined as “someone who finds suitable dates or marriage partners for other people, a go-between, a marriage broker, cupid, a fixer”!
In an age of dating apps and casual hook-ups, matchmakers may seem like a relic from another era. But the truth is that matchmakers have been bringing couples together long before singletons were swiping right or speed dating! As a profession and social practice, matchmaking is very much alive and well!
At Ivy we take the art of matchmaking to a new level, in more ways than one. The revival and remodelling of matchmaking are core to Ivy’s DNA. We are truly universal- Ivy’s matchmaking service has no borders nor boundaries, not geographically nor otherwise. We champion the importance of old-school etiquette, with a modern twist!
With a bespoke service designed to each of our member’s individual requirements, we are here to coach, guide, inspire, and at time, challenge and encourage our clients. We engineer valuable relationships in the most personal, discrete and professional way.
Bottom line, we facilitate love and happiness!

"Why, darling, I don't live at all when I'm not with you."
The engine behind
About Ivy Relations
Ivy Relations is the engine behind Le Grand Bleu, the quest to find our client’s twin flame and partner in love and life.
As a global and innovative, matchmaking agency, Ivy Relations is a devoted partner offering a range of unique & bespoke services to assist the world’s gentry in achieving their personal goals – without a digital footprint. A one-stop, one-of-a-kind expert confidant to help clients find their dream partner who shares similar values, a similar lifestyle and a like-minded philosophy in life!
The big question
Who is our
mystery man?
If you are tired of swiping or being swiped, or simply desire to be supported in a personal and valuable manner in your quest for love; then Ivy might be the right choice for you! Simply reach out to us and find out more.
By now, we are hoping that being the naturally curious woman that we are looking for, you would be dying to know more about our dynamic, young client.
Before we share these interesting insights with you, we would like to stress that confidentiality is a priority for all our clients and a cornerstone of the services that we offer. Thus, we cannot provide you with any identifiable information about him at this stage as he deeply values his privacy and regards his life as his own. In time, he looks forward to sharing everything with his beloved because he truly wants to build a love relationship that is founded on trust, openness and a commitment to truly know one another.
That said… do you find it attractive when a man is extremely ambitious but also kind-hearted and determined to make a difference in the world? Do you appreciate a man who is well-mannered and romantic in a sincere, understated way?
Do you want to respect your partner and be inspired by him? Are you looking for an intellectual equal? Does it resonate with you to be with someone who is guided by doing the right thing and is passionate about doing good for the planet and humanity?
And do you find it sexy when a man is as ambitious at the boardroom table as he is on the rugby field?
Our client is a dashing 30 year-old engineer and private investor in the tech space who is based in Northern Europe. He is highly intelligent, sporty and loves traveling and spending time outdoors.
He is excited to find his soul mate and life partner because he wants to build a life of shared passions, adventures, fun and meaning with her and later, he would like to build a family with his beloved.
Is this the kind of man you have been dreaming of?

Reach out and talk to us!
Are you hoping to find your rugged gentleman?
Are you 23-27 years old, kind, well-educated and in possession of a great sense of humour and a well stamped passport? Is your disposition sunny and do you have an innate hunger to learn new things? Are you adventurous at heart and do you care about making a difference? Is your hunger for knowledge as big as your zest for life?
Our client is magnetised by a well-groomed, smart and grounded lady who leads an active, healthy life characterised by varied interests and passions as well as balance.
Are you someone who shows immense integrity and authenticity in the way you live your life? Do you know what Ruby on Rails is and do you own a pair of hiking boots in addition to a lovely pair of stilettos to show off your slim, athletic legs? And very importantly, is recycling your empty lip-gloss tubes a priority for you?
If this is you, please read on…

"Rugby is a hooligan's game played by gentlemen."
We seek and find you!
How does this work?

First off, we are super pleased to meet you as we at Ivy Relations have been looking for YOU.
Being the champion of our client’s love odyssey, we have been charged with finding you and getting to know you better in order to determine whether our handsome and accomplished client could indeed be the one for you.
Should you wish to boldly dive in and reach out to us, please know that the process of getting to know you better is conducted in a highly professional manner and will at all times be contained within a safe and discrete environment. All personal information is guarded closely and treated as strictly confidential.
Additionally, we will use various tools to connect with you, in order to understand your hopes and dreams for the future. These will include detailed questionnaires which have been put together by our team of matchmakers and psychologists, one-to-one conversations and in-depth video meetings to name but a few. You will also find out more about our VIP client during this familiarisation process.
If we conclude that you and our client are a prospective match, we will have a profile presentation drawn up professionally for each of you which then gets shared with the other. When both parties agree to move forward with excitement and anticipation, we facilitate that most sacred of moments – the introduction.
Please know that more than anything, your comfort and happiness matter to us and that we endeavour to create a positive experience throughout the entire process. Should you have any doubts or reservations, you are free to extricate yourself from the journey at any time.
Has our young entrepreneur with a heart of gold captured your attention?
Then be brave and take the plunge, Girl! Le Grand Bleu awaits!

You want to know more?
Frequently asked questions
Love can take many forms. We all have different wants and needs when it comes to an intimate relationship. We see “Le Grand Bleu” as two people finding each other, creating a profound bond and with a like-minded view on life, living an adventurous, loving and inspiring relationship. Two curious minds, finding deep love. In that sense, we hope the title of our quest inspires ladies that recognize themselves in this image to take a chance on love.
At this stage we can share only a few key characteristics, which are reflected in the imagery of the quest and the information on the website. During the process, more information will be shared with any potential match in a personal dialogue.
You will receive contact confirmation via e-mail, and we would like to know more about yourself. An Ivy team member will invite you to start a private and personal dialogue. Rest assured, we will always safeguard your information and will treat it with the highest level of confidentiality.
Over the course of several weeks and months, we will get to know our potential matches step by step and do our homework as to assess the compatibility of each potential match. During this process, you will be asked to fill out questionnaires and sign a privacy agreement with us (without any further obligations) as to safeguard the exchange of delicate and personal information as well both your identity and that of our client. Discretion is vital for us.
We want to stress that we treat you with the same respect and care as we do our client. Let us be clear on the fact that this search, however conducted by our client – is a two-way exercise. We want you, and our client, to be equally excited about meeting. You are of course free to step out at any stage, whenever you would feel this is not right for you.
Based on the in-depth interviews, we will be presenting your profile (pre-approved by you) to our client after ample assessment if we are truly convinced you could be a match! At that stage, if both our client and yourself agree to be introduced, personal details will be exchanged, and a first date will be arranged. If there is more than one wonderfully suited match selected, we are going to introduce one at a time and let the universe do its thing! After that, if all goes well, you can begin dating regularly, which will hopefully be followed by taking the next steps towards a long-lasting relationship!
Ivy Relations takes privacy very seriously. All your personal details will remain strictly confidential during the entire procedure – even for the client. He will only receive your contact details at the very final stage and only upon your consent to an introduction.
This campaign is really about our client’s quest for true love. Therefore, we will not share any information on the process or the outcome to anyone at all. This quest is not just a game or a competition. It is a campaign to find someone’s true love in the most private way!
We do understand your curiosity, but we will never disclose the identity of the client or anyone involved in the process. Ivy Relations’ clients count on them to act discretely and with the highest level of professionalism.
If this was only about looks, our client wouldn’t really need us. We all know that the right match goes far beyond appearances, but let us be frank: physical appearance is indeed one of the initial filters. Attraction that triggers a spark is essential for a successful relationship. Although attraction can develop over time, that ‘je-ne-sais-quoi’ has to be there from the beginning. So why waste precious time if we already know what our client is drawn to? Some women prefer men with hair and others have a thing for tall men. Everybody has preferences – we do not think there’s anything wrong with that.
We get this question a lot and the answer is quite simple: our clients realize that we can help them find a suitable partner faster and increase the chances for long-lasting success of the relationship given the “check-the-boxes” exercise we do before even introducing anyone. Let’s not beat around the bush: it’s hard for all of us to find our special someone. Loneliness might just be today’s greatest pandemic and we applaud anyone taking initiative to go out there and find love! This specific man finds it hard to meet the kind of woman with whom he wants to spend his life, and wants to be sure about her motivations.
Let’s not forget time is precious. Life passes us by so quickly and we want to be using and sharing our time wisely. There is no time to waste when it comes to having love in your life!
Good question! It’s an extensive procedure. First of all, it’s important for Ivy to really get to know each client on a deep and personal level. During a very profound conversation, we talk about the client’s professional and personal history, his present and his future, as well as his or her hobbies, interests and preferences. What makes you smile? What moves you? What attracts you, and so on?
You are right- it sounds like quite an intense first date. But these questions are necessary to complete the client’s profile and define what the client is actuallylooking for – and needs – in a partner. Consequently, Ivy Relations gets on with the pursuit of the most compatible and promising match!
After her divorce, founder and CEO Inga Verbeeck was struggling to find love herself so she enlisted the help of a matchmaking agency. An intriguing yet slightly disheartening experience. In 2015, she decided to start a truly professional and holistic matchmaking service, more than what is conventionally offered, and that’s how Ivy was born! Ivy services an international clientele and makes sure to innovatively support its clients towards achieving their personal goals.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us
We’d be delighted to hear from you, answer any questions you may have and provide more details regarding our company and this project.
At Ivy we treat all information with the utmost discretion and guarantee never to pass on any information to any third party.
Send in our contact form and we’ll be in touch, or if you prefer, simply call us directly on our mobile on call +32 467 020 023 and a team member will be delighted to chat!
Remember, this is a no-cost opportunity, so please don’t waver to at least find out more!

Inga Verbeeck
Founder & CEO